Tel:  (519) 716-6262

Exhibitor Information

Notes and Helpful Hints to Enter Homecraft Division Competition

Call the Homecraft Director 705-448-2034 to get an Exhibitor number. This number is written on all your entry tags and your entry form.

Pick up entry tags (if possible), fill them out and attach to your entries before you bring them to the Fair. They can be picked up in Wilberforce at the Municipal Office, Visitor Information Centre (Curling Club), and Agnew’s General Store. Fill out one entry tag for EACH item you are entering.

Entries can be dropped off on Thursday, August 8th 6:30 pm to 8pm and Friday, August 9th, 9 am to 12 noon. The Exhibit hall closes at 12 noon for judging.

Each person entering items must have a separate Entry Form (each child must have their own form). Adults must pay the $7 membership fee at time of entering, and this membership allows free admission to the Fair. Children under 16 years old do not pay to enter. We love kids!

Need an Entry Form? They can be found at the centre of our Fair Book or downloaded below.

Remember, you can only enter ONE item per Section. For example, you can only enter one photo of an animal in Class 33 Section 1. Pick your best one!

Exhibitor Entry Form

Do’s and Don'ts

  • DO enter something in every section you can. It’s fun to compete. If no one else enters, you’re bound to get a prize.
  • DO use rubber bands to attach entry tags to jars and some other items. They’re handy things.
  • DO RESIST the urge to FIX your child’s entry. It must be their own work.
  • DO use safety pins NEVER straight pins to attach tags to fabric items.
  • DON’T use plastic wrap to cover your food entries, use clear plastic bags.
  • DON’T put too many or too few items on the plate. If the description says 3 cookies, it must be 3, no more, no less, or your entry will be disqualified.
  • DON’T put it off. Get working on those entries NOW! We so look forward to handing out prizes.